James Thompson 1858 
xsday, xxx x, 1934

Death of Sarah Ann Thompson

Tlie funeral of the late Mrs James Thompson took place at the Baptist Cemetery, Rangiora, on Wednesday last. The respect in which she was held was shown by the large number of friends who were present at the graveside. Mrs Thompson, who was a daughter of the late George Edlin, of Woodend, had resided in the Rangiora district for the past seventy years, and was a very well known resident. Mrs Thompson is survived by her husband, two sons, and two daughters, Mr Arthur Thompson of Coldstream, Rangiora, Mr Bert Thompson of Dannevirke, Mrs Chas. Gatehouse of Beckenham, Christchurch, and Mrs F. H. Dalley of Rangiora. The service at the graveside was conducted by Mr Mehrtens, assisted by Mr Burrows.
The pallbearers were: Messrs Arthur and Bert Thompson (sons), Charles Gatehouse and F. H. Dalley (sons-in-law). Among the floral tributes were those received from the following: Mr Thompson. Ivy and Fred; Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson, Evie and Alex; Mr and Mrs Gatehouse and family; Mr Bert Thompson (Dannevirke) ; Mr and Mrs Gefken; Mr and Mrs G. S. Ferguson (Round Hill) ; Mr and Mrs L. S. Smith and family; Mr and Mrs Mehrtens and Dick; Mr Chas. and the Misses Leech; Adjutant and Mrs Wilkes; Miss A. Crerar; Helmore van Asch and Walton and staff; Mathews family (Glenross); Mr J. E. Strachan; Dorothy and Miss Chalmers; Mrs Leech and Maurice and Alice Heatley; George, Harold. and Les. Gibbs (Christchurch) ; Mr and Mrs P. H. Dalley (Oxford) ; Mr and Mrs Pollock and Mona.