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Sir James was born on 31 May 1788, the son of David Wedderburn and Elizabeth Read, at Clapham.
He was known as Bold Webster.
He was borm James Webster Wedderburn (no hyphens). After the '45 various members of the Wedderburn family had gone out from Dundee to Jamaica to try to rebuild the family fortune, and started the firm of Wedderburn & Co. They prospered. Bold Webster's father, David, came down from Dundee to London in 1780 and settled as a merchant in the firm, becoming junior partner in their main offices at 35 Leadenhall Street. The home correspondent for Messrs Wedderburn & Co. was the firm of Webster & Co., of Clapham, owned by David's mother's half-brother James Webster. On November 14, 1789 old man Webster died, and by the terms of his will he left a fortune to David if he would change his last name from Wedderburn to Webster. On January 13, 1790 David obtained a Royal License and his name legally and officially became David Webster. However, not wanting to lose his heritage, he came up with something for himself that he'd never had before, a middle name - Wedderburn. So he was now David Wedderburn Webster (no hyphens, and surnamed just Webster). His infant son, James, was also affected, of course, partly because his great uncle Webster left him money too. His surname also became Webster. So James, aged one, was now James Webster Webster. The firm now became Wedderburn, Webster & Co. In 1797 it would drop the comma and become Wedderburn Webster & Co. David would die in 1801 and the company would be re-formed. Young James Webster grew up, then, as the son of a well-connected West India merchant. One of his uncles was |
Fletcher Reid, one of the wealthiest men in Britain and a great sporting blood who would later very willingly introduce his even more willing nephew into those circles. In no time at all James would become a major blood himself as well as a sportsman of great note who would take on any race if the stakes were high enough.
Young James was educated at home, in Clapham, by tutor John Campbell (later Lord Chancellor) who, in 1798, had just come to London from Scotland. Campbell, who was then only 18, was a minister's son from Cupar, and the very liberal Webster milieu did little to satisfy a young man from Campbell's austere background. In his autobiography, "Life of Lord Campbell", he says, "My companions had to present themselves at the India House, and I was to find out the residence of Mr. Webster, on Clapham Common. Thither I was carried by the Clapham stage, and I was installed in my new office. Mr. Webster was a very good natured but not a wise man, and I soon discovered that he had not much authority in his own house. Madame was mistress in everything. She was young, beautiful, gay, and fond of admiration. My pupil was a boy of about nine or ten years of age who had been taught to read English pretty well, but whom I was to initiate in the first rudiments of Latin. I had no particular grievance to complain of, and I believe I was treated with all the consideration that could have been reasonably expected, but I found my situation from the beginning very irksome, and it became more and more unbearable. The company frequenting the house consisted chiefly of West India merchants and East India captains, and the conversation turned on the price of sugars, the rate of freights, and the trifling gossip of the day...However, I exerted myself to the utmost for the improvement of my pupil, and I continued |
with him for nearly two years, at the end of which time, if he was rather deficient in longs and shorts, he was well acquainted with the principles of grammar, he had a good notion of composing in Latin prose, and he could read and be amused with Ovid's "Metamorphoses". Mr. Webster purchased a fine country house at Shenley Hill in Hertfordshire, where we spent the following summer [1798]. Mrs. Webster, wishing to take a lead in fashionable life, induced her husband to rent a splendid mansion at the west end of the town [i.e. London], first in Bruton Street and then in Upper Grosvenor Street.
She did not think it genteel that her son's tutor should sleep or eat in the house, and to my great satisfaction lodgings were taken for me in Conduit Street, my appointments were increased that I might provide for my own board, and unless during the hours of study I was entirely my own master".
In a letter to his father, Campbell wrote from Shenley Hill on August 9, 1798, "The family left Clapham on July 10, but I was left behind in Surrey for a fortnight" On April 22, 1798 Campbell wrote to his brother from No. 18 Warwick Street, Golden Square, London, "I am about to leave London in a fortnight. Whither I shall then go I am perfectly uncertain! Mr.and Mrs Webster and the family return to the country, but it appears extremely improbable that I shall accompany them". |
But Campbell did accompany the Websters, for on May 23, 1799 he wrote his father from Shenley Hill, "You will be happy to learn that I am here and in high health and spirits".
On June 8, 1799 Campbell wrote to his brother from Shenley Hill, and on December 11, 1799 to his father from 10 Upper Grosvenor Street, London. On January 16, 1800 he wrote his father from London, "I now write to you for the last time from Upper Grosvenor Street". This time Campbell had had enough, and left the Websters to be entered as a student at Lincoln's Inn, and so began a great legal career. However, he does not disappear from the story of Bold Webster. In his autobiography Campbell writes, "...I left the Websters on very friendly terms, and I continued to visit them and to be treated by them with kindness. Mr.Webster, within a year afterwards, died, and his widow contracted a second marriage with a gentleman of the name of Douglas. They afterwards consulted me about their affairs when I was rising to eminence at the Bar, and I had the satisfaction of being of considerable use to them. The son went to a public school [he means Harrow], entered the Army, married a daughter of the Earl of Mountnorris, and became Sir James Webster-Wedderburn". |
According to the Harrow records, in Sept. 1800 a Mr Webster entered the school, aged 12. This is James. He left Harrow the same term, however, unplaced. He was probably intolerable.
On March 21, 1801 James's father died, in Bath, of a decline, and James's mother went to live at Langham House, Suffolk. In June 1802 she married again, at Langham, to Robert Douglas of Brigton, and they went to live at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, and after that, to Newly Wiske, Yorkshire. There's a false tradition that it was at Harrow that James met Byron for the first time. Byron was at Harrow from the summer term of 1801 until 1805; Webster, being four months younger than Byron, was almost an exact contemporary, but he had left Harrow by the time Byron came. The headmaster of Harrow at this time was the Rev. Joseph Drury. In 1804 James entered the 10th Prince of Wales's Light Dragoons, as a cornet, aged 16, and therefore didn't go to Cambridge, as some authorities have suggested [he's not listed in the "Alumni Cantabrigienses"]. In 1806 the regiment became the 10th Hussars and on March 6, 1811 the 10th Royal Hussars (being the Prince of Wales's Regiment). At this time they invented hurdle racing over the downs at Brighton, and the 10th were prominently to the fore in fashionable sporting and racing events. James's period in the Army, 1804-1811, was packed with adventure. In 1806 he changed his name to James |
Wedderburn Webster, feeling that the extra letter on the end of his middle name added more gravity to his personage. He was right about that.
Fred Henning, in his classic book about the bareknuckle days of boxing, "Fights for the Championship", tells us that on the evening of July 12, 1807 a new heavyweight Bob Gregson, was presented at the Fives Court, St Martin's Street, Leicester Square, in an exhibition bout against Isaac Bitton, in which Bob acquitted himself very well. The fancy that night included Major Morgan, Captain Mellish, and Lt. Wedderburne Webster of the 11th Dragoons [this should be the 10th Hussars], nephew of Fletcher Reid. Webster became one of Gregson's backers in the championship fight near Newmarket on October 14, against John Gully. Gregson lost. Henning also tells us that Wedderburn Webster was at the February 1, 1809 championship fight at Epsom Downs between Jem Belcher and Tom Cribb, and at Bob Gregson's pub, The Castle, in Holborn, on Jan. 30, 1811, when Bob presented his new protege, Heskin Rimmer, to a group of bloods which included Wedderburn Webster and the Marquis of Tweeddale. James was now usually known simply as Wedderburn Webster. It sounded better than James Webster, in his opinion. And he sometimes put the "e" on the end, and sometimes he forgot. |
James was well known as a champion pedestrian, walking and running great distances for money. He was also a noted horse rider. Money was no object to this Regency rake. For a wager of 500 guineas he walked from Ipswich to Whitechapel, 70 miles, easily. Accompanied by his friend Gentleman John Jackson, the former boxing champion, he covered 65 miles in 19 hours, and thus had five hours to do the remainder. A week or two later he rode his favorite phaeton mare, Buzzard, from Westminster Bridge to Brighthelmstone [the old name for Brighton] in 3 hours and 20 minutes, for a wager of 600 guineas. This was an average of over 16 miles an hour. He stopped only once on the way - to swallow a glass of wine, and to pour the rest of the contents down the panting animal's throat. For these feats James became known as "Bold Webster".
His great rival as a pedestrian was Captain Barclay, and in 1809 James lost a thousand guineas when he bet that Barclay couldn't walk a thousand miles in a thousand hours. James dropped out of the Army and after a short spell on the 65-ton man o' war "Lion", he was admitted, on May 25, 1808, as a student at Lincoln's Inn, on the suggestion of John Campbell, his former tutor. However, that didn't last long. In a letter to Gentleman John Jackson, the grand'homme of boxing at that time, dated October 4, 1808, Newstead Abbey, Notts., Lord Byron says, "If you see Bold Webster, remember me to him, and tell him I have to regret Sydney, who has perished, I fear, in my rabbit warren, for we have seen nothing of him for the last fortnight". Byron had taken up residence at Newstead Abbey (the ancestral home of the Byrons) in Sept. 1808. |
John Jackson, who had been the British boxing champion from 1795 to 1800 had, even before winning the title from Daniel Mendoza, become the gentleman-tutor to the Fancy
in the manly art of self defense, and even now, toward the end of the first decade of the 19th century, was still teaching the likes of Byron and Webster at his rooms. Indeed, not to have taken lessons from Mr. Jackson was a positive neglect of a gentleman's ordinary education. Byron and Webster were staunch admirers, friends and pupils of Gentleman John.
Whenever Lord Byron was in London he would go to Manton's shooting gallery in Davies Street, to get in some practice, being constantly fearful for his life in a duel. On once occasion in 1808 Wedderburn Webster accompanied him. Byron boasted to Joe Manton that he (Byron) was the best shot in London. "No, my Lord", replied Manton, "not the best; but your shooting today was respectable". Byron (with Webster) left the shop in a rage. In 1808 James was living at Brighton. It was here that Byron brought the girl dressed as a boy, a somewhat strange episode that Webster talked about later. In 1809, when James reached his majority, he came into a large amount of money from the Firm. He spent it faster than humanly possible, and by 1813 was broke. Also by 1809 he was back in the 10th Hussars. In April 1809 Byron, who was about to leave for overseas, threw a party at Newstead for seven or eight of his best friends. This party was spread out over several days. They all got drunk from Byron's famous cellar, and, although there was horseplay, it was not the degenerate orgy that has been sometimes depicted. |
They hired monk's dresses from a masquerade warehouse. The occasional neighbor would drop in, and the group would sit up late in their friars' dresses, drinking burgundy, claret, champagne, and what not, out of the skull-cap, and all sorts of glasses, and buffooning all around the house, in their conventual garments.
A few days after their arrival, one of the friends, Charles Skinner Matthews, who was of ill-health, and irritable, threatened to throw Bold Webster out of a window "in consequence of I know not what commerce of jokes" [Byron's quote]. Webster went to Byron and said that his respect and regard for him as a host would not permit him to call out any of his guests, and that therefore he would |
go to town the next morning.
He did. It was in vain that Byron represented to him that the window was not high, and
the turf under it was particularly soft. "Away he went", says Byron.
Byron left on his European tour, and on Christmas Day, 1809, he arrived in Athens, where he spent a few months. During his stay there, in 1810, he was joined for a while by Bold Webster. In 1810 James married Lady Frances Caroline Annesley. It was a marriage of convenience. Lady Frances to escape her ill-tempered family, and James to marry an Earl's daughter. |
Lady Frances Caroline Annesley 1793-1837
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Lucy Sarah Anne | Born 2 Mar 1812 | Paris | Married Rev. Alfred Caesar Bishop | ||
Charles Byron | Born 28 Aug 1815 | Paris | Died Oct 1817 | ||
Charles Francis | Born 1 Jul 1820 | London | Married Mary Ann Taylor Ann Helyar Emily Honoria Helyar | ||
Augustus George Henry Desiré | Born Nov 1821 | Boulogne | Died 1845 | ||
George Gordon Gerard Trophime de Lally-Tollendal |
Born 12 Dec 1827 | Married Caroline Dixon |
James Webster-Wedderburn |
b: 31 May 1788 Clapham, London son of David Wedderburn and Elizabeth Read |
Lady Frances Caroline Annesley |
b: 23 May 1793 daughter of Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of Mountnorris |
8 Dec 1810 James Webster-Wedderburn, Esq. (22) Lady Frances Caroline Annesley (17) |
St Marylebone, Westminster, London Bachelor, Clapham, Surrey Spinster, a Minor, With Consent of father |
Lucy Sarah Anne Webster-Wedderburn |
b: 2 Mar 1812 Paris, France daughter of Sir James Webster-Wedderburn and Right Hon. the Lady Frances Caroline Annesley |
Charles Byron Webster-Wedderburn |
b: 28 Aug 1815 Paris, France son of Sir James Webster-Wedderburn and Right Hon. the Lady Frances Caroline Annesley |
Charles Francis Webster-Wedderburn |
b: 1 Jul 1820 London son of Sir James Webster-Wedderburn and Right Hon. the Lady Frances Caroline Annesley |
Augustus George Henry Desiré Webster-Wedderburn |
b: Nov 1821 Boulogne, France son of Sir James Webster-Wedderburn and Right Hon. the Lady Frances Caroline Annesley |
George Gordon Gerard Trophime de Lally-Tollendal Webster-Wedderburn |
b: 12 Dec 1827 Paris, France son of Sir James Webster-Wedderburn and Right Hon. the Lady Frances Caroline Annesley |
From 1811 to 1813 Sir James and Lady Frances lived in Dorset. It's interesting to note that Byron never came to visit them there. He ran into them in London and other places occasionally, of course, and met Lady Frances, but, to him, at that stage, she was just another pretty face. Byron's desire to visit his old friend Webster took a giant leap forward in 1813, when Sir James took a lease on Aston Hall, near Rotherham, Yorkshire, the very house where Capt. Jack Byron, the poet's father, had impregnated Lady Carmarthen and produced Augusta, the poet's half-sister.
Byron visited Aston Hall and suddenly found himself in love with Lady Frances. He went back again and again. It became his favorite place in 1813, and he spent much time there that year with the "Blunderhead family", as he called it. Denying to all and sundry that he had any interest at all in Lady Frances, he found the relationship not only developing but his feelings being reciprocated. The billiard table at Aston Hall came in for a lot of use. Indeed, the game became something of an obsession for Byron and Lady Frances. Byron took away more from Aston Hall than Nettle, the poodle Sir James gave him as a present. In late November 1813 Sir James and Lady Frances set out for Scotland, while Byron got ready to see his latest book "The Corsair" published. The chief female character in this book had been Francesca, but Byron changed the name to Genevra, then finally to Medora. Any way, it was based on Lady Frances. Several of Byron's poems were dedicated to Lady Frances, or contained references to her, or she was a character in some of them - but always in code. The poet's relationship with James was strained by the Lady Frances affair, but even more so when Webster borrowed a thousand pounds from the wealthy (yet always hard up) poet. Bold Webster never made an attempt to pay it back, and over the years that rankled with Byron. More than anything it turned him against his old friend. James went back in the Army, as a lieutenant in the 9th Dragoons, and as aide-de-camp to Lord Uxbridge. James later claimed to have been wounded at Waterloo, but the |
closest he got to the battle was the Waterloo Ball a few evenings before the historic event. By 1815 Lady Frances's affair with Wellington was becoming a major scandal. It had started before Waterloo, and even on the battlefield the Iron Duke was writing letters to her. After the Napoleonic Wars were finally over the scandal really broke in August 1815. This was a crim con case par excellence, one of the famous crim con cases (criminal conversation, grounds for divorce before the 1857 Marriage Act). James talked about demanding 50,000 pounds from Wellington, and the Duke was prepared to pay. However, it never became an actual case. Wellington persuaded James that there had been no affair at all, and James dropped the case before it even got started. However, the "Morning Chronicle", the big London paper of its day, began printing item after item about the affair, and Sir James sued them for libel, with his old tutor John Campbell representing him. He demanded 50,000 but got 2,000 pounds instead. Nevertheless, it was a victory, and Wellington was the first to congratulate him. About this time (just after Waterloo), James began publishing poetry in earnest. His most notorious was "Waterloo, and other poems", which was awful, and was panned mercilessly. In May 1816 James and Lady Frances moved to Roxburghshire, in Scotland, as neighbors of Sir Walter Scott. It didn't take long for the father of the historical novel to describe James as "a pest of the first water". Then James moved to Nantes, in France, but by 1820 was back living in Piccadilly. Then came the duel. Charles Stanhope, Viscount Petersham, was the foremost dandy of his day. In 1829 he would succeed his father as Earl Harrington, but in 1821 he was still Lord Petersham. He was eight years older than James, and had long flirted outrageously with Lady Frances. By 1821 it had gone too far, even for James. As a result of his recent egregious behavior James thrashed Petersham up and down St James's |
Street with a riding whip.
The duel was the natural result.
The whole episode was well covered in various caricatures of the day. Typical of many was one headlined "A fracas in St James's Street, before a corner-house". A handsome, manly young man, Webster-Wedderburn, seizes a dandy, Petersham, by the collar, and raises a horse whip. "I have caught you, have I, Master Sham Peter? How dare you attempt to injure my wife's character by saying you could play my part as well as I can, you boasting, lying dandy. Take that! and that! and that!!! Petersham, wasp-waisted and with beard and moustache, holds up his arms, exclaiming, "Me, Sir? You labor under a mistake. I am a gentleman and will resent this insult some other time" A paragraph in the "British Press" of April 5, 1821, headed "Extraordinary Fracas in High Life", states that in a rencontre between Mr W.W. and Lord P., Mr W. used his cane and the most opprobrious epithets Another engraving from April 1821, by John Fairburn, headed "Peter Sham-Peter Shampooed, or The Consequences of Kissing and Telling", and "taken from life is St James's Street", Wedderburn (at right) takes the timorous Petersham by the collar, saying, "How dare you, you d--n scoundrel, make use of scandalous reports of my wife. You libel all that is either noble or fashionable. |
You ape. You infernal puppy. Take this horse-whipping as a proper reward for your insolence". Petersham, his knees flexed, answers, "Sir, Sir, what the Devil, eh Sir? Damn me, what d'ye mean, Sir? Chalk Farm, Sir, Manton's, a saw pit for this, Sir, by the blood of the Stand-ups, I will have satisfaction". A dandy watches with a pleased smile, between two ladies, each holding his arm. One says, "As I live it is Lord P. and Wed.Web. What can be the meaning of the rencontre?"
Others, similar, were headed "One of Lord Sham-Peter's Night Scenes, Brought to Light", "Peter-Sham's Love Duel", things like that. James comes out of it all sympathetically, but Petersham came in for such outrageous lampoons that it's amazing he ever held his head up in London again. The duel was duly held, at Combe Wood, Kingston, near London, on April 21, 1821. It was farcical, of course, and well-covered again by the lampooners. There were rumors that Petersham had secretly taken the shot out of the pistols, but what happened is that the weapons were aimed harmlessly, and the two duelists reconciled. The new King, George IV, for so long the Prince of Wales and for the last 15 years or so a friend of Webster's, had for some time been wondering how he could get rid of the Mr. for him and give him something more grand. |
James hit upon the expedient of composing a short genealogy for the King, totally plagiarized from other sources, of course, and grandly presenting it to him as an original work. For this the King knighted him in 1822.
By late 1822 James was separated from Lady Frances. While she stayed in Paris with the children, James began a highly improbable pursuit of Lady Ann Hardy, wife of Nelson's Admiral Hardy. He chased her to Genoa, down Leghorn, and all over Italy until he became tired, until his black wig started to cause irritation to his scalp and his growing figure began to slow him down. He was no longer Bold Webster, the champion pedestrian. He was, after all, 33, and lying about his age, much to everyone's annoyance. At this stage he was claiming to be the 5th Baronet Wedderburn of Blackness, and many people believed him, to this day. His vices were showing the older he got, and, one tends to conclude that he had no virtues. However, his granddaughter, Maude Annesley, wrote, "He wasn't a drunkard, and that has to be to his credit". |
After failing to get Lady Ann Hardy, James set about reconciling with Lady Frances, with Byron as mediator. It worked for a while.
In 1823 Byron went to Greece and died there the following year. From 1825 James and Frances's financial state became grave again, and James took to writing pamphlets. In 1827 he settled near Auchterhouse, in Scotland, and that year their last child, George, was born in Paris. By 1828 money was so short that they were importuning Wellington for money. He turned them down. On February 11, 1831 James came up with a great idea. He inveigled some of his siblings into what would become a cause celebre. He initiated the Chancery case of Wedderburn vs Wedderburn. Wedderburn vs Wedderburn was partly the basis for the fictional Jarndyce vs Jarndyce in Dickens's "Bleak House" [1853]. In the real-life case the defendants were the partners of the Company of Wedderburn. The plaintiffs claimed that in 1801 David Webster's estate had not been |
given enough money, and that this missing money had, after having worked for the company, produced profits, and now the plaintiffs wanted to re-open the company's books.
This suit would drag on for 26 years, until 1857, when all parties still alive settled for a miserable sum. It was the longest-ever Chancery suit, and would ruin everyone concerned, including the initiator, Sir James, who had long since died. As Dickens says in the preface to his famous novel, "At the present moment there is a case before the Court which was commenced nearly 20 years ago, in which thirty to forty counsel have been known to appear at one time, in which costs have been incurred to the amount of 70,000 pounds". Quite rightly Sir James has been held responsible for everyone's ruin. To this day the descendants of the defendants refuse to speak to the descendants of the plaintiffs. Indeed, the descendants of the plaintiffs expect at |
any time to be called out by the descendants of the defendants.
Speaking of duels, in 1832, still pamphleteering, Sir James seconded Sir William Gell in one. By 1833 he and Lady Frances were leasing a house on Chesterfield Street, Mayfair, and James was very ill. He spent the summer of 1834 in Germany, and by that time he and Lady Frances had moved to the last address they would have together - 15 Hertford Street. In late 1835 James's mother was widowed again, and left Brigton to live at Broughty Ferry, not far from the estate of her son William Douglas. She would die in September 1857, aged nearly 100. Five years elapsed between the filing of the Wedderburn vs Wedderburn suit and the first hearing on May 31, 1836. In Nov. 1836 a judgment was made against the defendants, |
yet still the case was contested to higher courts.
In 1837 James and his gang brought suit in the Scottish courts to prevent the defendants from disposing of any of their Scottish properties until the case was solved.
On January 22, 1837 Lady Frances died at Hertford Street. She and James had been living apart by mutual consent, he most of the time in Paris. On June 20, 1839 her goods were administered in Westminster, and granted to her husband, "Sir James Webster-Wedderburn, Baronet"
For years now James had been claiming to be the 5th Baronet Wedderburn of Blackness. He had assumed the title (he says), and used it all the time. Even his relatives came to believe it, even his wife. On April 26, 1838 Thomas of Bond Street brought a suit against Sir James Wedderburn, Baronet. James was out of the country at the time, so he was tried in absentia. On May 2, 1838 James wrote to "The Courier" to explain that he knew nothing of the case until judgment had been passed, and that it was untrue that he was now within the rules of the Queen's Bench [i.e. jail]. On August 13, 1840 [this is the date, despite varying reports], James died suddenly of a paralytic stroke brought on by apoplexy, at Croney's Tavern, Dublin [and not on the streets of Dublin, as is sometimes stated]. He was 52. His name at death was Sir James Webster-Wedderburn, a name he had fixed on in 1827. His descendants kept this version of the name. The Times of August 17, 1840 gives a long report of his death, and the issue the following day has a lengthy report of the inquest. On Aug. 18 the Times printed a long letter from an anonymous writer who corrected certain misstatements from the previous few days. | James was buried in Dublin. On November 6, 1840 his estate was administered by his daughter, Lucy Bishop. Bold Webster is a footnote in literary history, in that for many years he was an acquaintance of Lord Byron, the poet. He was more than just a stunning example of what has been called the "upper class twit", he was a nasty individual, a vicious wastrel, and an egotist to the point of narcissism. But, in his youth, he was great athlete, a natural sportsman, who set records in endurance races, both on foot and on horse. However, he frittered away his physical gifts as he did his family fortune, and, instead, of achieving something positive, which he quite clearly could have done, he chose to be a fool, and that is how he is remembered. James did a few things right, although probably inadvertently. He married Lady Frances Caroline Annesley, one of the most beautiful women of her day, and stayed married to her. That in itself is quite a feat, given that lady Frances was known to dally, notably with Byron and Wellington, but also with any other prominente who could afford to pay damages when Fanny's reputation was sullied in public, as it often was. One can only come to the conclusion that the Websters were both pretty rotten people, vain, astonishingly ego-ridden, and almost (but not quite, one hopes) a total waste of DNA. |
Lady Frances Caroline (Annesley) Webster-Wedderburn |
22 Jan 1837, Hertford Street, London Burial, South Audley Street Chapel |
On Sunday morning, at her residence in Hertford-street, to the inexpressible grief of her family and friends, and after a long and melancholy illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, the Right Hon. Lady Frances, wife of Sir James Webster-Wedderburn, Bart., in the 42nd year of her age. Her Ladyship was sister to the Earl of Mountnorris, and sister in law to Lord Farnham, Lord John Somerset, &c. |
Sir James Webster-Wedderburn |
Died 13 Aug 1840, Dublin, Ireland |