This Indenture Witnesseth
that William Robinson Son of Jacob Robinson,
Deptford, doth put himself Apprentice to Edward Featherstonehaugh Esq. of Deptford, in the county of Durham, Glass Bottle Manufacturer, His Heirs, Executors and Assizes,
to learn his Arts, and with him after the manner of an
to serve from the Seventieth day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty eight
Unto the full End and Term of Five years fromthence next following to be fully complete and ended
Which Term the said apprentice his master faithfully shall serve, his secrets keep, his lawful commands, everywhere
gladly do. He shall do no damage to his said master nor see to be done if others, but to his power shall tell
Or forthwith give warning to his said Master of the same. He shall not waste the goods of his said Master
Nor lend them unlawfully to any. He shall not commit fornication within the said term,
Shall not play at cards of Dice Tables, or any other unlawful games, whereby his said Master may have any loss
either his own goods or others during the said term without License of his said Master. He shall neither buy
Nor sell. He shall not haunt Taverns or Playhouses, nor absent himself from his said master's service day
or night unlawfully. But in all things as a Faithful Apprentice he shall behave himself toward his said master
and others during the said term and the said Edward Featherstonhaugh, for himself, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assizes
doth hereby Covenant to and with the said William Robinson, that to the said Edward Featherstonhaugh to his said
in the Art of a Bottle maker, the said Jacob Robinson doth evenout which he with he, by the best means that he can shall teach and instruct or cause to be taught
and is instructed, find unto the said apprentice sufficient meal, drink, clothes, and medical assistance in case of sickness, lodging and all other
necessaries during the said term, and the said Edward Featherstonhaugh agrees to pay the said apprentice every such period of the said term as he shall actually be at work, but not
during absence from sickness or for any other cause.
The wages following:
First Year six shillings per week,
Second Year seven shillings per week,
Third year eight shillings per week,
Fourth year nine shillings per week,
Fifth year ten shillings per week
for the true performance of all and every the said Covenants and Agreements within of the said Parties bondeth to self unto the other by these Presents
In Witness,
when of the Parties named to these Indentures interchangeably have put their Hands and Seals the Thirteenth day of August and in the Thirty First year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain,
Defender of the Truth, and in the year of our
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Eight. The amount of the Money, or the value of any other matter or thing given or agreed to be given with the Apprentice, by way of Premium must be truly inserted warrents at length: otherwise the Indenture will be void and double double such amount or value certified. Signed Sealed and delivered by the above mentioned William Robinson William Robinson, Jacob Robinson, and Edward Jacob Robinson Featherstonhaugh, in the presence of H. Reah Edwd. Featherstonhaugh |