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Edward was born on 8 June 1826, the son of John Young Gourley and Mary Temperley, at Sunderland, County Durham.
His life ended on 15 April 1902, at his London residence.
The following Obituary from the Times of London, provides a brief summary of his life. A very detailed Obituary from the Sunderland Echo is then provided. The Times, Wednesday, April 16, 1902 Sir Edward Temperley Gourley, who represented Sunderland in the Liberal interest from 1868 till 1900, died in London yesterday. He was born in Sunderland in 1828 (sic), and was apprenticed at an early age to a local coal and timber merchant, beginning business for himself when of age as a coal and timber merchant and shipowner. He rapidly became one of the leading shipowners of the port of Sunderland, and, having acquired a considerable fortune, devoted his energies to public affairs. He was three times elected mayor of Sunderland, and was a prominent member of other local public bodies, including the Shipowner's Society. As a member of the more advanced wing of the Liberal party he was one of the successful candidates for the representation of Sunderland in 1868. Sir Edward Gourley was one of the earliest supporters of the Irish Home Rule policy, and advocated a settlement of the Irish land difficulty by the creation of a peasant proprietary. His first colleague in the representation of Sunderland was the late Mr. John Candlish, who was the senior member for the borough. The long period during which Sir Edward Gourley kept the seat was unprecedented in the political history of Sunderland. At the general election of 1900 he retired from Parliament in consequence of a difference of opinion with the local Liberal party, who wished to nominate two Liberals against the two Conservative candidates. He held that the scheme would end in failure, and events proved the soundness of his view. During his long Parliamentary career Sir Edward Gourley acted no prominent part, and his occasional interventions by way of question or speech were usually concerned with some shipping matter. |
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He was, however a regular attender of the House, and was fond of the social side of Parliamentary life. He was a Congregationalist and a prominent supporter of Sunday schools. After a long service as a Volunteer, he rose to be colonel of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion Durham Light Infantry. His Knighthood dates from 1895. Sir Edward Gourley was not married. |
Sunderland Daily Echo, Tuesday, 15 April 1902
It is with extreme regret that we have to record the death of Sir Edward Temperley Gourley, the sad event occurring at 1:55 this morning at his residence, Queen Anne's Mansions, London. Although Sir Edward had been ill for some little time, his death was quite unexpected, and came as a great shock to his friends in Sunderland and elsewhere. His nephew, Mr. J. H. Gourley, of the firm of Messrs Smart and Gourley, John Street, only yesterday received a letter stating that the improvement in his uncle's condition was maintained so that it is thought the end must have come rather suddenly. Sir Edward has been in failing health for some time. On the occasion of a presentation of medals in Sunderland to the returned Volunteers in the autumn he caught a chill, |
but from that he seemed to recover.
He was last in Sunderland early in January, and, although it was noticed that he had lost some of his former vigour and elasticity of manner, yet there was nothing to be alarmed at.
About six weeks or two months ago, however, he was seized with illness, and became so prostrate that the worst was feared.
He suffered from a thickening of the intestines, a disease peculiar to older age, and it is thought there must have been some complications, although at present little is known in Sunderland of the details of his illness.
Gradually, however, he grew a little better though progress was slow.
About three weeks ago he went out for a drive, but he appeared to have caught a chill, and was rather worse afterwards, although he eventually rallied.
Mr. J. H. Gourley, a son of Sir Edward's deceased brother William, who has been dead some years, received a telegram this morning from London containing the intelligence that Sir Edward had died at 1:55 a.m..
Seeing the encouraging nature of the letter of the day before, he was greatly shocked at this bad news.
He left Sunderland by
the noon train for London.
Mr. Gourley is one of but few relatives of Sir Edward now connected with Wearside; others being chiefly members of the Lumsden family.
Sir Edward was about 74 years of age.
It is expected that the funeral will take place at Mere Knolls Cemetery, where Sir Edward's father and mother are buried, in the family vault. On the news becoming generally known flags were displayed at half mast on many of the public buildings in Sunderland, and very wide regret was expressed on all hands. Sir Edward's long association with Wearside life in so many phases had made him one of its most familiar figures, and his death leaves a distinct blank. Early life Sir Edward Temperley Gourley was emphatically a Sunderland man. He was born and bred on the banks of the Wear, and had been throughout his life closely identified - commercially, municipally, and parliamentarily - with the borough. Like many other prominent men in the North - country, Sir Edward was of Scottish descent. His Scotch ancestors claimed, however, to be of English origin, as they migrated from south of the Tweed as long ago as the 12th century, and this being so, Sir Edward had to be considered as an Englishman, and his connection with both Scotland and England entitled him fully to the wider cognomen of Britisher. His forebears were evidently in humble |
circumstances, for his father, who was born in Fife, was apprenticed to sea at the early age of 12.
How he became connected with the Wear is not exactly clear, but
doubtlessly he came here first in the ordinary course of his seafaring life and ultimately he settled down in Sunderland, and married Miss Temperley, a member of the well-known local family, the brother of this lady becoming a large shipowner and merchant in London.
Of the issue of this marriage, the subject of the present sketch became by far the most prominent. He was born in 1828(sic), and his father, who was then sailing as captain of his own ship, inculcated by precept and example those thrifty virtues of the frugal Scot which so often have laid the foundation of splendid fortunes, and which in Sir Edward's case had, no doubt, much to do with the high commercial position which he afterwards attained. When only 13 years of age young Gourley was apprenticed as "boy" in the office of one of the largest commercial houses then existing in a Sunderland, that of Messrs Halcro. In this office, under the care and supervision of the late Mr John Halcro, he acquired the rudiments of business, and was thoroughly grounded in the principles of successful commerce. As he grew older he represented the firm for some time in Holland and Germany, where he learned some of the secrets of foreign trade, and so satisfied were Messrs Halcro with his business attainments and capability that before his apprenticeship expired he was allowed a certain percentage upon the profits of the business, some departments of which were entirely under his control. Young Gourley, however, had no intention of remaining in a subordinate capacity and, when he was 22 years of age he started in business on his an account as a ship chandler. His ambition soared higher than this and soon he left the ship chandlers business and became a ship owner. |
On his return he invested largely in steam shipping and he became one of the leading shipowners of Sunderland. During 1868 he was unfortunate in losing several steamers, and later on he had another heavy run of disasters. The last series of misfortunes gave the occasion to Mr Plimsoll to bring the most serious charges against the fair fame of Sir |
Edward in his famous "appeal" on behalf of "Our seamen" and these charges were subsequently the subject of investigation in the law courts.
It is unnecessary to enter upon a discussion of the merits of the case now, but it was
evident that Sunderland did not endorse Mr Plimsoll's accusations, for at the next election it returned Sir Edward at the head of the poll as representative of the borough.
As owner of steam ships he entered into business connection with Sir James Laing and Mr William Stobart, and he afterwards opened an office in London.
He ran a line of steamers between the metropolis and the Adriatic for a few years, and carried an extensive trade with that and other parts of the world and made money.
When, however, he entered Parliament he soon retired from the active management of the business, but he had always since been the owner of at least a few ships of his own, and was a large shareholder in steamers. In this way he remained at the end of his life closely identified with the shipping interest both from the point of view of the sailor and of the ship owner. |
the outcome of which was the Havelock statue, which now stands in Mowbray Park.
The services rendered by the great Sir Henry Havelock to this country were a theme which many an orator might covet for his maiden speech, and Sir Edward had the satisfaction of seeing his resolution carried.
Sunderland was eager to do honour to her most illustrious son, nor was the rest of the country behind with the project.
Mr Allen, of Blackwell Hall, headed the subscription list
with a donation of £200.
Money poured in on all sides, and before long the monument was erected and then unveiled in the presence of an immense concourse of people, gathered together from all parts to do honour to one of the most faithful of England's heroes.
The late Sir Henry Havelock-Allan paid his first visit to Sunderland on this occasion; Gourley was thus instrumental
in not only erecting a monument to the father, but also at the same time introducing a son to the borough, which they (Sir Edward and Sir Henry Havelock-Allan) were afterwards to jointly represent in Parliament.
As a Town Councilor Sir Edward was diligent, energetic and popular, and imbued with thoroughly progressive and democratic tastes. He rose in the estimation of his fellow members and fellow townsmen, and in 1864, when he was 36 years of age, he was unanimously elected Mayor. He distinguished his year of office by being largely instrumental in bringing about a friendly meeting of the navies of France and England off Portsmouth. Indeed, he had always been the kind of international man; scarcely a cosmopolitan, but, like his own steamers, perpetually engaged in running between one country and another, for the mutual benefit of both. In 1865 he was re-elected to the Mayoralty and his second term of office was more notable than the first. It fell |
to his lot to guard the town against two scourges - rindepest and cholera, both of which were raging in places in daily communication with Sunderland.
Under his directing every possible precaution was taken and the result was that a
single case of cattle plague occurred in the borough.
The cholera, which was then raging in Holland, and had made its appearance in London, fortunately did not attack Sunderland.
Under the Mayor's guidance the lower parts of the town were cleansed, and these precautionary measures were blessed with success.
A much more agreeable task than that of acting on the defensive against pestilence was that of opening Mowbray Park, which also took place during his second term of office.
In 1867 Sir Edward accepted the position of chief magistrate for the third time, and again performed a year's arduous and useful work. During his second term of office, 1865, Sir Edward was appointed an Alderman, and from that time he never had to seek the suffrages of the electors in connection with the governing body of the town. Of late years, owing to his Parliamentary and other duties, he was not very often in attendance, but whenever any matter of special importance was up for decision he made it his business to be in his place, and his vote was always certain to be recorded in the interests of Liberalism and progress. He was never a showy member of the corporation, or an oratorical one, but in his day he did an immense amount of detail work, and his record in the Council is one which brings in the highest degree of honour to him. During his municipal career he actively identified himself in work other than that of the Council. He was a shipowners representative on the River Wear Commission, a borough magistrate, a justice of the peace for the county, and also a Deputy-Lieutenant. |
It will add to the interest of the recital to go back to the election of 1865. In that contest the candidates elected were Mr Fenwick, father of the present Lieut-Col Fenwick, and Mr Hartley. Mr J Candlish, who fought his first parliamentary battle, was at the bottom of the poll. Mr Fenwick was, however, made Junior Lord of the Admiralty, and had in consequence to seek re-election, and when he submitted himself to the electors, which was in 1866, he was opposed by Mr Candlish. These were the days anterior to the Ballot Act, when the franchise was restricted to the privileged few. The Liberals went in for a bit of electioneering maneuvering, which reminds one of the immortal Eatanswill incident. It was customary to declare the state of the poll every hour or half-hour. The Liberals |
held 200 of their principal voters in reserve.
When the state of the poll was announced at 3 o'clock the two candidates were about even, but at half-past three, when the Liberals had polled 150 of their reserve men, Candlish was considerably ahead and at 4 o'clock, when the whole of the
Liberal Reserve had recorded their votes, he was 100 to the good; Fenwick had no chance, and Mr Candlish was returned.
The next election was in 1868, when Sir Edward Gourley first came out. Mr Candlish became, as a matter of course, one of the Liberal candidates, but there in regard to the second there was some difficulty. A section of the party got up a requisition to Mr. T. C. Thompson, who afterwards became member for Durham. Being a Whig he was not regarded very favourably by many of the more advanced Liberals, and before any answer had been received from Mr. Thompson they held a public meeting at the Theatre in Bedford Street, and decided to ask Mr Gourley to allow himself to be nominated. He consented, and accordingly there were three candidates, two - Candlish and Gourley - Liberals and Thompson, a Whig. The fight really lay between Gourley and Thompson. The latter was a barrister-at-law and an able speaker, who had extensive grasp of political questions. Sir Edward Gourley was a very indifferent hand on the platform, and had had practically no experience in dealing with the subjects that were then before the country. |
But he was immensely popular locally, and during this contest he had the invaluable support from many whom he had once taught in his Sunday school, and who worked most enthusiastically on his behalf.
Then, too, he had the Irish on his side, because his sympathies had always been with the "distressful country", and, indeed he was a Home Ruler long before his party adopted that policy.
His views generally were sufficiently advanced to suit those to whom he appealed.
He went in for the disestablishment and disendowment of the State Church, the Ballot, and the
Permissive Bill - a local option proposal which has since dropped out of the Liberal programme.
The result of the contest was as follows: - Candlish........6,237 Gourley ........4,991 Elected Thompson....3,595 That the franchise had been extended is shown by the fact that at the 1865 election the total votes polled for three candidates were but 4,488, but in 1866 there were but 2,726 for two candidates. The contest at that time was an expensive matter, and it cost Sir Edward over £4,000. When at Westminster, however, he did not forget his promises, and his vote was given in support of the advanced section of the Liberal Party in the House, and that he maintained his popularity was evidenced by the next contest, which took place in 1874. Mr Candlish died in this year, and the candidates were Gourley, Havelock-Allan, and Bailey. Mr Bailey, who came from London, was the Conservative nominee. Sir Henry Havelock-Allan had just fought an election at Stroud as a Conservative, but he contested Sunderland as a Liberal in conjunction with Sir Edward. To some sections of the electorate his attitude on certain questions was not sufficiently definite. He would not give the Quakers a decided assurance on the Contagious Diseases Act, nor would he promise definite support of the |
Permissive Bill.
These matters looked likely to prove somewhat serious, but in the course of an interview in the morning the late Alderman Robert Swan, with a good deal of shrewdness, suggested that Sir Henry should take till the
afternoon to consider what his answer should be.
This he agreed to, and in the meantime Alderman Swan and others talked to the candidate, and at last got him to see his way to promise to support the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act and to agree to vote for the Permissive Bill.
At the afternoon interview he said he had come to the conclusion that it was his duty to support those measures in domestic legislation that his constituents wished him to do, and if they desired him to support the measures mentioned he would cheerfully do so.
This satisfied everybody, and the late Mr Edward Backhouse then supplied some of the money required to meet Sir Henry's expenses.
The result of the polling was:- Gourley......................6,172 Havelock-Allan........5,920 Elected Bailey.........................3,781 At the next election, in 1880, Sir Edward Gourley and Sir Henry Havelock-Allan were again the Liberal candidates, the Tories being represented by Mr Brooke, the proprietor of the famous "Monkey Brand", or "Won't Wash Clothes" soap. During the fight the wife of the Conservative candidate went about in a carriage with a flaring red parasol above her head. Feeling seems to have run pretty high, for as she was driving along Dundas Street, Monkwearmouth, an effigy of her husband, which had been dragged about in the mud, was flung into the carriage. The voting was:- Gourley....................7,645 Havelock-Alla........6,995 Elected Brooke.....................4,254 |
In each of these elections Sir Edward had increased the number of votes recorded for him, and on the two latter occasions had been at the head of the poll.
In the year following the contest of the 1880 Sir Henry Havelock-Allan resigned his seat in order to go back into the Army.
No fight occurred, however, on this occasion, Mr Storey being returned unopposed.
Since that date the elections have all been contested, and the results are appended : -
1885 Storey ...........6,295 Gourley ........7,795 Elected Austin ..........6,705 1886 Storey ..........6,971 Gourley ........6,840 Elected Stobart .........6,027 1892 Storey ................9,711 Gourley ..............9,554 Elected Lambton ............8,324 Pemberton .........8,009 |
1895 Doxford ........9,833 Gourley ........8,232 Elected Storey ..........8,185 Sir Edward retired from Parliamentary life in 1900. As known before the election came on that he was desirous of avoiding a contest, if possible, owing to the state of his health. It was rumoured that an understanding had been arrived at for the return of himself and Sir Theodore Doxford, MP unopposed. This was denied, but the presence of John S.G. Pemberton in the field as an independent Conservative candidate rendered a contest inevitable, and ultimately Sir Edward wrote stating that he did not intend fighting for a seat, and the Liberals accordingly nominated two other candidates, Messrs Hunter and Wilkie, as their standard-bearers. Sir Edward was always a consistent supporter of his party. |
He never claimed to be a great statesman or brilliant orator, but he was a man of vast industry, great perseverance, and untiring application.
His chief Parliamentary service was the securing of an inquiry into the working of benefit building societies, an inquiry which resulted in the accumulation of a large amount of valuable information.
He also introduced a Bill upon the subject, but it was too choked out by multiplicity of business.
He never lost sight of the fact that he was a representative of a shipping centre, and whenever the opportunity offered his abilities were devoted to the good of that industry. He sought to benefit not only the shipowners, but the sailors, and much of his energy was devoted to the interests of the seafaring class. He was probably the most persistent questioner in the House of Commons, and much of his work there consisted in interrogating the Government on points on which he desired information or with the object of exposing an abuse. The subject of the royal yachts was one in which he manifested an especially keen interest, as he did also in the condition of the mercantile marine, in connection with which he constantly impressed the necessity of having the vessels manned as much as possible with Britishers, so that they could be depended upon in the event of war. He generally spoke on the Naval estimates, and urged upon the Government the necessity of a strong Naval Reserve. In his attendance at the House he was most assiduous, and paid the greatest possible attention to his Parliamentary duties, and to the interests of those whom he there represented for so long a series of years. In 1857, when 29 years of age, he was appointed to a lieutenancy in the North Durham Militia, and before long he was promoted to a captaincy. When the ferocious colonels of Napoleon demanded to be led against what they termed |
"the land of assassins" Sir Edward threw himself heart and soul into the organisation of the Volunteers, which was England's reply to the vaunts of her choleric neighbours.
When the 3rd Durham Rifle Volunteer Corps was formed he was elected captain of the first company.
Soon after he was promoted to the rank of major, and on the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Adolphus Vane-Tempest he succeeded to the command of the regiment.
He took a prominent part in arranging the interchange of civilities between the Belgian and the British Volunteers.
The English Volunteers, under the command of Sir Edward, were reviewed by the
King of the Belgians, and presented with commemoration medals by the residents at Ghent, where a great shooting match took place.
Sir Edward had the honour of presenting the "National address and casket" to the King of the Belgians during that visit.
It is an indication of Sir Edward's military skill and his ardour as a citizen soldier that on no less than ten occasions he has commanded over 1,000 volunteers under arms.
For some years he held the position of Honorary Colonel of the Sunderland Rifles. On the occasion of the review when Lord Wolseley visited Newcastle in the summer of 1899 Sir Edward was present with his regiment, and during the South African war he took great interest in the local detachment sent off by his corps; was present in Sunderland at the time of their going away, and presented each man a pipe and tobacco. |
![]() ![]() Frequently, however, he paid visits to Sunderland, and when here spent much of his time at the Liberal Club. In fact, wherever he happened to be he was largely a frequenter of clubland, where frugality in living was one of his notable characteristics. Being a bachelor he had no permanent home, but of late years he spent much of his time visiting friends in different parts of the country. |
In the season he generally went to the Continent and passed some time at one of the fashionable watering-places, and in England of recent years he often visited seaside resorts.
During the Serbian war in 1876 he visited Serbia in company with Mr Storey, when the two traveled about in carts and slept on straw, and had altogether an exciting time.
Edward Temperley Gourley |
b: 8 Jun 1826 Baptist Meeting House, Sunderland son of John Young Gourley and Mary Temperley |
1861 Census | RG9-3772 | 8 April 1861 | Bishopwearmouth, County Durham | ||
4 Douro Terrace | |||||
Edward T. Gourley Plus 1 Servant |
Age 32 | Ship Owner | Sunderland | Durham | 8 Jun 1826 |
The Sunderland Echo, was founded and first published on 22nd December 1873. The Echo was launched by a group of men known simply as "The Seven" they were Liberal activitists who felt the town needed its own evening newspaper. The seven men were Samuel Storey, Principal proprietor of the Echo and other newspapers also an MP, Edward Backhouse, a Quaker banker, Edward Temperley Gourley, shipbroker and MP, Charles Mark Palmer, shipbuilder and MP, Richard Ruddock, reporter and editor of the Newcastle Chronicle, Thomas Glaholm, rope maker and Thomas Scott Turnbull a draper. |
1881 Census | RG11-0829 | 4 April 1881 | Wimbledon, London | ||
The Downs | |||||
Eliza Gillot (Widow) Edward T. Gourley (Visitor) Plus 3 Servants |
Age 30 Age 56 |
M. P. |
Liverpool Sunderland |
Durham |
abt 1850 8 Jun 1826 |
1901 Census Dinsdale Lodge |
RG13-4635 | 1 April 1901 | Seaton Carew, County Durham | ||
Julius E. Guthe Ann (Wife) Thomas P. Cecil R. Gertrude Funur (Niece) Anne Steinberg (Neice) Edward T. Gourley (Visitor) Plus 4 Servants |
Age 44 Age 40 Age 18 Age 12 Age 21 Age 18 Age 72 |
Steamship Owner Cashier Knight |
Germany Hartlepool Hartlepool Hartlepool Sweeden Germany Sunderland |
(British Subject) Durham Durham Durham (British Subject) (German Subject) Durham |
abt 1856 abt 1860 abt 1882 abt 1888 abt 1879 abt 1882 8 Jun 1826 |
Sir Edward Temperley Gourley |
Died 15 Apr 1902, Age 75, London 1902 2Q St Geo Hanover Sq 1a 300 |
Gourley - On the 15th April, at Queen Anne's-mansions, St. James-park, S.W., Sir Edward Temperley Gourley, in his 76th year. Funeral on Saturday, 19th inst., at Monkwearmouth Cemetery, Sunderland. Friends, please accept this, the only intimation. |